Didactum 14102 IP-Sensor DC Current Converter

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Rp 4.025.289

This sensor has been specially developed for the connection of the DC-DC transducer (item number 14101) to the Ethernet-coupled Didactum measuring and monitoring systems.

 Tanya CS
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Spesialis Elektronik – Didactum 14102 IP-Sensor DC Current Converter

This sensor has been specially developed for the connection of the DC-DC transducer (item number 14101) to the Ethernet-coupled Didactum measuring and monitoring systems. The sensor is compatible to all SNMP compatible measuring devices of the manufacturer Didactum.

Simply connect by plug this sensor to the DC current measuring converter. Then connect this sensor to the networked remote monitoring system from Didactum. The sensor is then automatically recognized by the control unit via the auto-identification function. Then log in to the Didactum monitoring system via browser and configure this sensor according to your needs. Define individual threshold and warning values in terms of DC monitoring for the DC transmitter connected to the sensor.

In case of measurement deviation you can be informed by the Ethernet supported Didactum monitoring device via e-mail, via SMS (via GSM modem), via SNMP traps or via siren with built-in strobe light. Via SNMP query, the current measured values of the connected DC measuring transformer can also be transmitted via the Ethernet network or web. Ideal for (remote) monitoring of DC loads in remote engineering locations.

In the web interface of the Didactum IP meter you can store individual conversion formulas. Hysteresis functions are also supported. All acquired measurement data is stored in the data logger of the Didactum remote monitoring system. In the WebGUI, the DC measured values can also be displayed graphically.

The measurement data acquired during DC monitoring can be exported from the IP measuring device as an XML or CSV file and further processed with common software.


  • geeignet für DC Stromwandler (Art.Nr. 14101)
  • Messbereich 0-120A
  • Messgenauigkeit: 1%
  • Isolierte Bauweise bis zu 2,5 kV
  • Stromaufnahme: 12V DC, 1A
  • Anschluss erfolgt per RJ11 Patchkabel an jedes IP Messgerät von Didactum
  • Automatische Erkennung des Sensors durch alle Ethernet gekoppelten Didactum IP Datenlogger
  • Zulässige Betriebsumgebung: -10°C bis +85°C bei 5 bis max 95% rel. Luftfeuchte (nicht kondensierend)
  • Abmessungen: 68 x 47 x 26 mm
  • Integrierte Sensor OID für SNMP Tools und SNMP kompatible SCADA Software
  • Gewicht: 0,165 kg
  • Hergestellt in der EU
  • Lieferumfang: Sensor für DC Messumformer. Geeignet für alle Ethernet gestützten Mess- und Alarmsysteme des Herstellers Didactum.Inklusive Montagematerial und 2 Meter RJ11 Patchkabel. Lieferung erfolgt ohne DC Gleichstrom Messumformer. Bitte separat bei Didactum bestellen.
  • Warentarifnummer: 9030 33 100
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Berat 1 kg






Sensor Tegangan Listrik DC

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Didactum® Ltd. Deutschland is a value added distributor of high availability monitoring products.
The core mission of Didactum® is the planning and integration of proactive SNMP-based environmental and security solutions.

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