Beranda / Toko / EMS / Sensor EMS / NTI E-GD-MBP Gas Detector — Natural Gas, Methane, Butane, Propane, Hydrogen

NTI E-GD-MBP Gas Detector — Natural Gas, Methane, Butane, Propane, Hydrogen

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Rp 17.775.000

  • Use to detect leaks of combustible gas (natural gas, methane, propane, butane, hydrogen, acetylene, etc.)
  • Choose between two levels of detection:
    • First level:
      • Methane: 10±3% LEL (0.44% vol. conc.)
      • Propane: 18±3% LEL (0.30% vol. conc.)
      • Iso-butane: 23±3% LEL (0.30% vol. conc.)
      • Hydrogen: 9±3% LEL (0.36% vol. conc.)
    • Second level:
      • Methane: 18±3% LEL (0.80% vol. conc.)
      • Propane: 30±3% LEL (0.50% vol. conc.)
      • Iso-butane: 40±3 % LEL (0.50% vol. conc.)
      • Hydrogen: 16±3% LEL (0.66% vol. conc.)
  • Continuous air monitoring.
  • Audible alarm signal: 94 dB at 1 foot.
  • Relay specifications: level selectable, normally open or normally closed, 250V AC, max 5A.
  • Maximum cable length: 1000 ft (305m)
  • Powered by E-2D/5D/16D.
  • Current consumption: 150mA @ 12VDC.
  • Regulatory approvals: CE
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Spesialis Elektronik – NTI E-GD-MBP Gas Detector — Natural Gas, Methane, Butane, Propane, Hydrogen

  • Use to detect leaks of combustible gas (natural gas, methane, propane, butane, hydrogen, acetylene, etc.)
  • Choose between two levels of detection:
    • First level:
      • Methane: 10±3% LEL (0.44% vol. conc.)
      • Propane: 18±3% LEL (0.30% vol. conc.)
      • Iso-butane: 23±3% LEL (0.30% vol. conc.)
      • Hydrogen: 9±3% LEL (0.36% vol. conc.)
    • Second level:
      • Methane: 18±3% LEL (0.80% vol. conc.)
      • Propane: 30±3% LEL (0.50% vol. conc.)
      • Iso-butane: 40±3 % LEL (0.50% vol. conc.)
      • Hydrogen: 16±3% LEL (0.66% vol. conc.)
  • Continuous air monitoring.
  • Audible alarm signal: 94 dB at 1 foot.
  • Relay specifications: level selectable, normally open or normally closed, 250V AC, max 5A.
  • Maximum cable length: 1000 ft (305m)
  • Powered by E-2D/5D/16D.
  • Current consumption: 150mA @ 12VDC.
  • Regulatory approvals: CE
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Sensor Gas

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