Beranda / Toko / EMS / Sensor EMS / Didactum DI.02.0012.01.01 AC Current Transducer

Didactum DI.02.0012.01.01 AC Current Transducer

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Rp 5.044.347

By using the optionally available sensor transmitter (item 14100), the IP-based Didactum IT monitoring systems to measure existing AC AC currents in a cost effective manner and monitor.

 Tanya CS
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Spesialis Elektronik – Didactum DI.02.0012.01.01 AC Current Transducer

By using the optionally available sensor transmitter (item 14100), the IP-based Didactum IT monitoring systems to measure existing AC AC currents in a cost effective manner and monitor. Ideal for the measurement and monitoring of AC over TCP / IP network. In the web interface of Didactum monitoring systems you can make the desired settings in terms of AC AC measurement.

Set limits and thresholds for the AC voltage and define, should be notified and alerted as deviations of the AC power supply. Each networked measuring and monitoring system of the manufacturer Didactum can send messages via e-mail, SMS (via 3G / 4G GSM modem) or SNMP traps.

The measurement data are recorded in the data logger of the IP-based monitoring systems Didactum. The measurement charts can be displayed directly in the WebGUI (in German). The export of the measured values ​​in CSV or XML data format, so that you can process the measurement data with external applications such as Microsoft Excel or Cacti.

Please note:

To use, you need the sensor transmitter (Article Number: 14100).


  • geeignet für die Messung von AC Wechselstrom bis zu 100A
  • Nennstrom (AC): 100A
  • Messbereich (AC): 0~120A
  • Widerstand: >10K Ohm
  • Ausgangsspannung: 1 bis 5V DC
  • Genauigkeit: ±1.0% (Ta=+25℃)
  • Isolationsspannung: 6KV RMS/50Hz/1 Minute
  • Frequenzbereich: 50 Hz (400Hz)
  • Zulässige Betriebstemperatur: -25℃~+80℃
  • Maße: 61 x 60 x 16 mm (HxBxT)
  • Leitungsdurchmesser: 21mm
  • Gewicht: 150g
  • Für den Anschluss des Stromwandlers an die Ethernet-basierten Didactum Monitoring Systeme ist der Didactum Sensor Messumformer (Art.Nr. 14100) erforderlich.

Lieferumfang: AC Stromwandler für bis zu 100A. Lieferung erfolgt ohne Sensor Messumformer (Art.Nr. 14100). Bitte separat bei Didactum bestellen.
Warentarifnummer: 9030 33 100

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Berat 1 kg






Sensor Magnetik

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Didactum® Ltd. Deutschland is a value added distributor of high availability monitoring products.
The core mission of Didactum® is the planning and integration of proactive SNMP-based environmental and security solutions.

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