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Didactum 14113 Temperature Sensor – Water Resistant

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Rp 4.565.511

This water resistant temperature sensor has been specially developed for the measurement of important environmental factor temperatures in wet and humid (production) environments. Temperature ranges from -55 ° to 105 ° Celsius can be reliably measured by this waterproof sensor. It is manufactured in the EU.

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Spesialis Elektronik – Didactum 14113 Temperature Sensor – Water Resistant

This water resistant temperature sensor has been specially developed for the measurement of important environmental factor temperatures in wet and humid (production) environments. Temperature ranges from -55 ° to 105 ° Celsius can be reliably measured by this waterproof sensor. It is manufactured in the EU.

Typical applications of this temperature sensor are:

  • Temperature monitoring of production facilities (dairy, brewery, beverage production, meat processing)
  • Temp monitoring of cooling rooms / cooling systems
  • Temperature monitoring in agriculture, garden centre, nursery, greenhouses
  • Measurement and monitoring of water temperature in tanks, cooling pools, swimming pools, extinguishing ponds, aquariums
  • Temperature monitoring of chilled distribution depots and freshness counters

This water resistant temperature sensor, equipped with an SNMP OID, is compatible with all Didactum IP-based remote monitoring devices. Just plug in the connector into a free sensor port of the monitoring system. The temperature sensor is automatically detected by the networked monitoring unit and the measurement of temperature is started. The temperature data is stored in the built-in data logger of the network-enabled monitoring system.

For documentation, checklists, reports and proofs in terms of temperature monitoring, the recorded temperature data can be exported via XML or CSV files, so you can open these with software such as Microsoft Excel. Directly in the multilingual web interface of the SNMP-enabled monitoring system, the temperature history of past minutes, hours, days or weeks can be graphically displayed. With the aid of the diagram function, you can easily check whether the setpoint temperature is maintained.

Temperature alarm via SNMP trap, e-mail or SMS

In addition to the real-time-based measurement of temperature and data recording in the built-in data logger, the networked monitoring systems from manufacturer Didactum also provide useful notifications and alert functions. For the water resistant temperature sensor, you can set individual threshold values ​​in the multilingual webGUI. In the built-in logic of the IP-based remote monitoring device, you can easily define the types of notifications and alarms required for critical temperature. Every remote monitoring device can send temperature alarms via SNMP Trap, via e-mail or via SMS (via GSM modem or 3rd party gateway).

With built-in macro functions, the content of the SMS alert can be customized. All events are stored in the syslog database of the monitoring unit, including date and time stamp. On request, a critical temperature value can also be signaled via siren or by automated closing of a relay. Also the presentation of the current temperature values ​​in the form of an RSS feed is supported.


  • Connection:via plug & play to an analog sensor port
  • The IP66/67 temp sensor is automatically detected
  • Measuring range -55 to +105 degrees Celsius ( -67° to 221° F)
  • +/- 0.5°C Accuracy at -10 ° to +85°C
  • Water resistant IP66/67
  • Power consumption: 58mW
  • Sensor is powered by IP based remote monitoring device
  • Dimensions sensor head (stainless steel): cross section 7mm, length 30mm
  • Cable length: 10 meters (30 ft) (can be extended up to approx. 100 meters (382ft) from the measuring system)
  • Weight: 400g
  • EAN item number: 0720089658922
  • Made in EU
  • Scope of delivery: Water resistant Temperature sensor, cable length 15 meters. Suitable for all IP based monitoring systems from Didactum.
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Berat 1 kg






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Didactum® Ltd. Deutschland is a value added distributor of high availability monitoring products.
The core mission of Didactum® is the planning and integration of proactive SNMP-based environmental and security solutions.

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