Didactum 14040 Gas Sensor / Gas Detector

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Rp 7.129.986

Uncontrolled escape of gases such as butane, propane, methane must be reliably detected. Gas heating systems should be also equipped with a gas detector.

Didactum`s gas detector has been specifically designed for the detection of gases.

 Tanya CS
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Spesialis Elektronik – Didactum 14040 Gas Sensor / Gas Detector

Uncontrolled escape of gases such as butane, propane, methane must be reliably detected. Gas heating systems should be also equipped with a gas detector.

Didactum`s gas detector has been specifically designed for the detection of gases.

This gas sensor is attached to dry contacts of the SNMP enabled Didactum Monitoring Systems (Dry Contact Board needed). Optionally this gas detector can be attached to Didactum`s Dry Contact Expansion unit.

In the web interface of the Didactum Remote Monitoring Appliance, you can configure this gas sensor. Here you set the wanted alerts when the maximum gas concentration in indoor air reaches critical condition.

All Didactum Remote Monitoring systems support e-mail alert or notification via SMS (Didactum GSM modem required). If you use SNMP compatible Automation or IT system Management Software (such as Nagios, Icinga, OpenNMS, etc.), the gas alert can be send in form of SNMP traps. SNMP MIB files for NMS integration are included.


  • Detection of propane, butane, methane and natural gas
  • Measuring the indoor gas concentration
  • Integrated LED lights and audible alert (85 dBA)
  • Integrated relay contact for mounting on Didactum Monitoring Systems (optional Dry Contact Board required)
  • Didactum`s Dry Contact Expansion Unit is supported to attach of higher number of gas detectors
  • Alert is triggered about 20% lower explosive limit (LEL)
  • IP 30 class
  • Power supply 9-27V DC
  • Dimensions 11.4 (diameter) x 4.7cm (Height)
  • Operating temperature -10 to +40 ° Celsius
  • HS-Code : 85319010

Delivery: Didactum Gas Detector / Gas Sensor for detection of propane, butane, methane and natural gas

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